高知県・ベンゲット州友好新聞 2002年3月発行 No.5

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 研修に入ると、日本の美、高知の美をたくさん発見することができた。特に、日本人の優しさ、礼儀正しさ、そして思慮分別 のあるところを。何より、彼らが自己鍛錬に励んでいることに感嘆した。文化について言えば、日本には、私もそのいくつかを体験する機会を得た興味深い独自の文化的、伝統的な慣わしがたくさんある。環境においては、街並みは清潔で、気持ちの良い新鮮な空気を生み 出す緑豊かな山々に囲まれていて、とても住みやすい。同様に、その自然の驚異や美しい景観は、きちんと保護され維持されている。近代技術の進歩、あるいは日本人の発明の才によって、あらゆるものが自動化されていることにも驚いた。研修においても得るものは多く、畜産技術、特に人工授精について学ぶことができたことは、とても有意義だった。
 高知、そして日本は、世界の経済の流れに乗る、平和と安全と繁栄の港である。技術開発においては特筆すべきものがある。  もし、後悔したくない滞在先や訪問先を探しているのなら、私は高知をお勧めする。高知はまさにそんな土地だ。

"My Discoveries of Kochi, Japan"

by Andoresu A. Cayap

 Coming to Kochi, Japan is a great opportunity for me to know and learn about an interesting country which is totally different in culture and traditions from my own place, highly industrialized and known as one among the top advanced countries in the world.
 At first, it was quite unusual for me to get used to things that I have never used before such as chopsticks, Japanese food, squatting when eating, removing my shoes when entering an office and especially the use of Japanese language. However, after a short time without knowing how and when I became adjusted to it even becoming more interested.
 As I went along with my training, I began to discover many more beautiful things about Kochi, Japan, especially the friendliness, respectfulness and understandings of Japanese people. Most of all, I came to admire their values of self-discipline. Culturally, it has a unique kind of interesting cultural and traditional practices which I had a chance to experience and participate in some of them. Environmentally, it is wonderful to live in a place with a clean environment and surrounded by a spectacular view of green thickly forested mountains that provide the atmosphere with a cool and refreshing air. Likewise its natural wonders and captivating landscapes are properly preserved and maintained. It is also surprising and awe-inspiring to see many things made into automatic brought about by its modern technology or Japanese ingenuity. Much more to my field of study where I have learned the technique of Animal Breeding, specifically artificial Insemination technology.
 Kochi, Japan is really a haven of peace, safety and prosperity continuously keeping pace with the growing tide of international economic society. Focusing itself more on developmental and production technology.
 If you happen to be searching for a place to stay or visit which you will never regret, I suggest Kochi is the right place.

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